Document Type : Research Paper


1 Employe

2 Professor of Education Management, Psychology and Educational Sciences Department, Isfahan Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan


The purpose of this study was to identify, adapt and analyze the components of business school models in selected countries in the preschool sector. In this research, a comparative method has been used with emphasis on the four-step method of Brady method. The statistical population of this study was the selection of hundreds of country-owned business schools selected according to the results of the ranking of 2017 schools ranking done by the International Financial International Association. In this study, a total of components of business school models were identified, adapted and analyzed in the preschool sector in the selected countries. The number of identified components between primary schools in these countries includes: educational objectives, learning environment, recruitment and employability of empowered people, cultural space, education and curriculum, educational content, assessment and supervision, simulated learning center, specialized educational groups, parent participation, vision, mission, and research. By comparing and matching, the differences between models of pre-school business schools and in the selected countries were identified.
