Document Type : Research Paper


1 Khwarizmi Tehran University assistant professor of curriculum studies

2 Associate Professor of Education, University of educators


The aim of this inquiry was to explore, through critical look, the current situation of pre-school of Iran. The approach of this research is totally qualitative and has been done by adopting Phenomenography as an appropriate research method. The targets that the research aimed were typical Pre-school centers in three provinces of Tehran, Alborz and Kohgiloyeh-Boyerahmad. Among those centers, 15 pre-school centers have been selected by using of purposive sampling. For gathering data, semi-structured interview was used to explore teachers’ and managers’ views and comments in order to identify the issues and problems exist in their pre-school centers. The research findings indicate that the fundamental problems lay in these fields: Damage macro management of preschool, Damage of pre-school curriculum, Damage human resources of preschool, Damage related to the legal status of preschool and some other issues and damage are related to family and parents. Which continue to be investigated.


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