Document Type : Research Paper



Regarding the importance of learning disorders, the interventions will be taken place to improve it, and is necessary to prevent the future problems.  The purpose of this study is to figure out the impact of metacognitive strategies on students’ learning performances with learning disorders in the studies that were done in the past by using meta-analysis patterns. This study determines the findings of different researches, the amount of the effect of meta-cognitive interventions by using meta-analysis and integrations. So, 9 researches were selected from 12 researches that were acceptable in terms of methodology, and meta-analysis was done on them. The research instrument was a meta-analysis checklist. The results showed that the average size of combined effect of meta-cognitive strategies was 0.82 on the students’ performance with learning disorders at the fixed model, and the average size of the combined effect was 0.81 at the random model that both of them are significant at the level of p < 0.05. So instructing metacognitive strategies bring about learning and academic performance in students with learning disorders. Since instructing metacognitive strategies can be effective for students have problems in cognitive process.


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