Document Type : Research Paper




The present research was aimed to determine the role of self-efficacy and cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies of learning in achievement motivation and academic performance of female students in the 6th grade. The current research is a correlational design. The population included all the female students of the 6th grade at 5th district of Iran, among which 106 students were selected through multistage cluster sampling. For measuring self-efficacy, learning strategies, achievement motivation and academic performance, the following instruments were used respectively: general self-efficacy scale of Sherer et al. (1982), learning strategies questionnaire (Karami, 2002), Herman's achievement motivation scale (1970), and academic performance questionnaire of Dortaj (2004). The results of multiple regression test indicated that, respectively, self-efficacy, cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies of learning could significantly predict achievement motivation and also academic performance in girls. Finding of the research has useful implications for policy-makers of the education field.


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