Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty Member- Islamic Azad University- Roudehen Branch

2 , Roudehen Branch - Islamic Azad University, Iran


The purpose of the present study was to predict job satisfaction based on metacognitive beliefs and difficulties in emotion regulation in kindergarten mentors. The method of this study was descriptive-correlational.  The statistical population included the mentors of kindergartens in Tehran in 1394. Two hundred and forty participants completed 3 Questionnaires: Gratz and Roemer's Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (2004), Wells' Metacognitive Beliefs Inventory (2004), and Dunntt's Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (2005). Data were analyzed by multiple regression test. The research findings showed that all components of job satisfaction predicted based only on the negative beliefs about the controllability of thoughts and corresponding danger (one of the components metacognitive beliefs). Among the components of emotional regulation, non-acceptance of emotional responses and difficulties engaging in goal-directed could predict all components of job satisfaction negatively. The component of impulse control difficulties could negatively predict appreciation. The component of lack of emotional awareness predicted the component of responsibility and development, negatively. Based on the findings of this research is recommended that psychologists and consultants for improving the job satisfaction of kindergarten mentors modify their emotion regulation strategies and metacognitive beliefs.


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