Document Type : Research Paper


Allameh Tabatabee


The present study analyzes the content of the elementary school empirical science books from the perspective of Guildford’s creativity indicators. This analysis has determined divergent tasks as factor of creativity, and these tasks have been surveyed in elementary schools empirical science books. This research is a quantitative content analysis, and its population is elementary schools empirical science books. Since these books have 4 sections of biological sciences, physical sciences, earth sciences, and health; therefore, the sample has been chosen from each section. So one lesson has been selected randomly from each section, and attained a total of 20 lessons. In this sample, divergent tasks have been coded based on the characteristics of fluency, flexibility and originality. To estimate the reliability used from correlation coefficient of between coders. This coefficient in the empirical science books of the first, second, third, fourth and fifth grades equaled with 0.7, 0.87, 0.86, 0.89 and 0.94. The data analysis has carried out by descriptive statistic. The results shown measure of divergent tasks not equal in the 4 sections of empirical science books and different grades too. The measure of divergent tasks not regular from view of vertical organization. The measure of divergent tasks is 30.31 percent in empirical science books of elementary course, and other tasks are convergent tasks. In comparison with grades, the measure of divergent tasks from more to less consists of the first grade: 54.5, the fifth grade:30.9, the third grade:30.7, the second grade: 29.4, and the fourth grade:23.5 .


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