Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between parenting style and depression in preschool children in Bokan. The statistical population of this study was all students of preschool schools in Bokan. In a correlational study, 100 students were randomly selected as cluster samples. A questionnaire for parenting method was used by Diana Baerind (1972), and the parent-teacher questionnaire for the Children's Symptoms Symptom (CSI-4, 1994) was used as a research tool. The reliability of the questionnaires in this study was 87% and 79%, respectively, through Cronbach's alpha method. The statistical method used in this study was independent t-test, which indicated a significant relationship between the studied variables. The findings showed that there is a difference between parenting style (dictatorship, authoritarian, permissive), and depression in preschool children, among them the authoritarian manner of childbearing has the most impact on children's depression, and in fact it can be said that the best predictor of children's depression is the authoritarian style of parenting.


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