Document Type : Research Paper


1 Instructor, Educational Sciences, Preparatory and Elementary School Orientation, Payam-e-Noor University, Delijan Branch

2 Ph.D. Candidate of Counselling, Allameh Tabatabai University, Instructor of Counseling Payam-e-Noor University,


In order to analyse the validity and reliability of semiotic scale of behavioural-emotional problems (anxiety, depression, conduct problems and physical disorders), the present study performed Seattle Children’s Personality Questionnaire in the population of elementary school students.  In this work, 240 students of grades no. 3-5 at elementary school (including 100 female students and 140 male students) were chosen through multi-stage sampling and the selected people answered the questionnaire.  The stability of the questionnaire was meandered through the internal consistency method. To measure the validity of questionnaire, the researcher used the method of structure validity. For analysis of the difference/s between girls and boys in questionnaire scales, the independent t test was utilised, and for analysis of the difference of scales, related to the grade no. 3-5 at elementary school, ANOVA (One-way analysis of variance) was carried out. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of all questionnaires was 0/75. The said coefficient for anxiety was 0/74, for depression was 0/73T, for conduct was 0/64, and for the physical problems was 0/61. To assess the adequacy,  the model utilised indicators of the degree of freedom chi-square, the root mean estimation error, the propriety of the fitness, the modified fitness, and normalised and non-normalised fitness.  The results of the confirmatory factor analysis show that the obtained values totally confirm that the confirmatory factor analysis model in order to explain and fit, is in good condition, is good to be used. In analysing the difference between girls and boys, the t test shows that the conduct problems, and anxiety are significantly different in girls and boys. However, two groups are not significantly different in anxiety and physical scales. The results of analysis of variance show that there is  no significant difference among the students of grades no. 3-5 of elementary school in terms of physical and anxiety scales, but this difference is significant in anxiety and conduct problems scales. Generally, the findings of the present study show that the semiotic scale of Seattle Children’s Personality Questionnaire is of good reliability and validity in the society and it can be used as a device for measuring the personality of the children and their behavioural problems in the elementary grade.


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