Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. in Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Urmia Science and Research Campus, Urmia, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Urmia Science and Research Branch, Urmia, Iran.


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between coping strategies and metacognition with mindfulness old kindergarten managers. The study is a correlation. The population of the city of Urmia is the managers, from which 108 kindergarten managers and 85 students were selected based on Cochran table. Subjects oh the questionnaires of MCQ Cartwright, Hutton and Wells, coping strategies, Lazarus & Folkman and mindfulness Freiburg were responded. Data using Pearson correlation and regression analysis were used. There is a significant positive relationship among overall strategy, problem-solving coping with cognitive self-awareness (316.0) and the need to control thoughts (416.0) at 01.0, and positive beliefs in the positive correlation 05.0 (227.0), as well as the overall strategy of coping with positive beliefs (248.0) and the need to control thoughts (226.0) at 05.0 relation is positive. Positive beliefs (334.0), cognitive self-awareness (613.0) and the need to control thoughts (383.0) have significant positive correlation with the level of mindfulness are 01.0. Metacognitive ability to explain the problem-oriented approach is 29 percent, 14 percent and 61 percent respectively. Meta-cognitive coping strategies, and alert managers play a crucial role in child care.




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