Document Type : Research Paper


1 Instructor of Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children, Kharazmi University

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Educational Psychology, Alzahra University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences


Autistic children suffer from some kind of developmental pervasive disorders that it is present intensively in social interactions and communication skills, some behavior, interests and stereotypical activities. The aim of this research is to follow the conditions beyond accustomed and effective programs in children’s social skills. First, related publications to autistic children and other studies related to other children were investigated. After this step, from all of autistic children in Alborz, Iran, autistic children and their parents who were volunteer for participating in this study were selected and assigned in experimental and control groups randomly. Pre-test was conducted for two groups. After the experimental group received training based on multi-dimensional planning and multimedia package, then post-test was conducted. Results showed, these interventions had significant effects in autistic children’s verbal communications, stereotypical activities and social skills. Therefore, these interventions can be performed along other weekly programs of autistic children.




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