Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD student of curriculum planning at Allameh Tabatabaei University

2 Associate professor of curriculum planning at Allameh Tabatabaei University

3 Associate professor of Islamic education philosophi at Allameh Tabatabaei University

4 Assistant professor of Art at Tarbiat Modarres University


The aim of This research was designing and validating of native model for elementary curriculum,that can implement aesthetics and art components in that curriculum. So firstly find aesthetics and art components for curriculum by study theoretical foundations and experts viewpoints of two fields curriculum studies and art. then were studied applicability of those components form viewpoint of curriculum developers of elementary course in Iran education system in order that to design and to validate purposed model based on appropriates components. The method's research was mixed approach that was used from speculation qualitative method and survey method with using from questionnaire and interview. research population was experts of two fields curriculum studies and art and curriculum developers of Iran education system too. experts sample selected with purposeful sampling and curriculum developers sample selected with cluster sampling and convenience sampling. analysis data was done with interpretation analysis and deduction for qualitative data and descriptive statistic for quantitive data. To estimate validity and reliability of research's tools was used content validity and cronbach's alpha. The result of research was purposed model that consist of three parts: foundations, principles and ten elements of curriculum. The purposed model was accredited from viewpoints of experts and curriculum developers. For each of model parts was offered aesthetics and art components that can use them in levels of curriculum making policy, curriculum development and curriculum implement. so that the using components in designing and curriculum development provides appropriate basis for artistic and aesthetic implementation of offered model.




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