Document Type : Research Paper


1 Student of PHD.psychology BushehrAzad university

2 Faculty member of Kharazmi University, Department of Clinical Psychology

3 Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr Branch

4 Master of Clinical Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Branch, Tehran.


Nowadays, many efforts have been made to improve maternal-child interaction in family especially mothers of anxious children. The aim of the present study was to compare the emotional atmosphere of family between children with anxiety disorders and normal children. This research method is casual or causal-comparative. The study population included all normal children and all anxiety children in Tehran. The sample of this research had formed 80 children (40 normal children and 40 children with anxiety disorders) that in sampling of children of normal children was used random multistage sampling, and for children with anxiety disorders was used purposive sampling who were selected 4o children year-old boy who by psychiatrists and psychologists had been diagnosed with anxiety disorders in private children clinical center. For collecting data, the emotional atmosphere Hill Burn (1964) questionnaire, and Espence (1998) children's anxiety questionnaire with clinical interview was used. To analyze the data of this study, multivariate analysis of variance (Monova) and T-test were used. The results showed that there are differences between children with anxiety disorder with normal children in the family emotional atmosphere in all component of the emotional atmosphere and normal children had better than anxiety children in all components of the emotional atmosphere. (0.01≥P).
