Document Type : Research Paper


Educational Sciences, Educational Sciences and Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Khorasgan, Isfahan, Iran


This research aims at examining the effect of pretend plays education on Isfahan pre-school children’s spatial intelligence. The research statistical population is the 4-6-year-old children in Isfahan pre-schools from which two 12-member groups of students have been selected randomly for the control and education groups. The sampling method was cluster random sampling and the research design was quasi-experimental. The Test of Kohs (1920) Block Test has been used to collect information. Instrument validity was measured by face and content. In face validity the questionnaire was given to the participants and in content validity the notions of several experts were gathered. Its reliability was measured 81% for children spatial intelligence by retesting. In this research, descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in order to analyze the data. In descriptive statistics (table, frequency graph, percentage frequency, mean measurement, and standard deviation) and inferential statics, in the case of research theories, univariate analysis of covariance was applied. The results indicate that pretend plays education increases fluidity, flexibility, expansion, and originality of spatial intelligence in children. In today's modern world, the use of visual-spatial intelligence is a unique ability, and usually people who have this kind of intelligence and who have the necessary skills to be well-nourished are more likely to succeed in any discipline, occupation or specialty that they have than others; so this intelligence can be reinforced by training pretend plays in early childhood.
