Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Curriculum Planning, Teacher, Tehran

2 Faculty member of Research Organization and Educational Planning


The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship and contribution to the implementation of descriptive evaluation of teachers' professional skills. Professional skills of teachers in three dimensions before, during, and after teaching evaluation are descriptive analysis. To do so, the teachers girls elementary school district in Tehran were selected, sample of 52 subjects and teaching practices they observed were check list of the skills of 38 components in 3 dimensions, the check list of descriptive evaluation has 32 is the component. List of skills on the Strong (2007) and New Year (1387) has been prepared and issued by the Ministry of Education check list assessment prepared on the basis of instructions, descriptive evaluation and reliability confirmation. It has been evaluated according to the purpose of research and for correlation analysis of the data, stepwise regression was used. Based on the results, the first component of the teaching skills of 37.7 percent, 36.6 percent, while teaching skills and teaching skills of 26.7%, which represents the proportion of each component of the variable is descriptive evaluation criteria. Research findings show that there is a positive relationship between teacher skills with descriptive and meaningful evaluation, and the execution performance of descriptive evaluation can be prognosticated.
