Document Type : Research Paper



2 azad


Mother, as a cognitive-psychological development of childhood and emotional supporter, plays an important role in the health or behavioral disorders of their children. Therefore, the mother's psychological health plays an important role in the child's overall development. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of mothers' self-insufficiency and self-maladaptation in predicting children's reactive aggression. The research method was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population consisted of all scales of preschool children in Tehran. 150 mothers were selected as the sample of eight preschool centers. To collect data, three sensory questionnaires (Gilbert et al., 2002), self-maladaptation (Jones and Rudolt, 1982) and aggression (Vahedi et al., 2008) were used. For analyzing the data, multivariate covariance analysis was used. The findings showed that self-maladaptation (β = 0.154) and depression (β = 0.502) of mothers had a significant role in predicting children's reactive aggression. The results showed that the components of self-insufficiency and self-maladaptation of mothers predict the level of reactive aggression in children.
