Document Type : Research Paper


This study aimed to identify identifying pathology of conducting plan of descriptive qualitative evaluation in primary schoolsin Nurabad. The research type is applied, and the research method is qualitative and its type is phenomenology. The study population consisted of primary school teachers, purposive sampling were selected based on research interviews (non-structured). Data analysis was performed using content analysis. The research questions were to examine challenges damages descriptive qualitative evaluation plan. The findings suggest from teachers’ views the obstacles hampering the research  to achieve its anticipated objectives are: lack of clear terms of scale, lack of training time, a variety of data collection tools, the possibility of improving the poor students to higher ground, lack of in-service workshops during the project, the teachers do not justify the workshops, parents are not justified compared to the plan, reducing competition and incentives, lack of adequate classroom teacher, lack of clear goals, subjective and difficult to interpret in terms of scale, remaining confused students entering higher education and lack of assessment and feedback from teachers during and at the end of the year.
