Document Type : Research Paper


1 kharazmi

2 effatabbasi (PhD) Assistant Professor Department of Curriculum Studies, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Kharazmi University (Tarbiat Moallem) Tehran, Iran

3 Marjan kian (PhD) Assistant Professor Department of Curriculum Studies, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Kharazmi University (Tarbiat Moallem) Tehran, Iran


The aim of the present study was to identify the pathology of the programs and educational-pedagogical activities in preschool centers. The method of the research is mixed one and its type is exploratory. The population of the study includes the whole teachers of the pre-school centers in Yasouj. In qualitative stage, 10 teachers were selected purposefully for semi-structured interview and in quantitative stage, 162 teachers were selected using cluster random sampling. The research method in quantitative stage was a researcher-made questionnaire and its content validity was confirmed by experts. The reliability was 92% according to Cronbach α. For analyzing the data obtained from interview, the classifying and the coding and for analyzing the quantitative data, Friedman test were used. The findings indicated that the pre-school programs contain elements such as lack of attention to fostering self-confidence, the lack of relevance of the content with preschool programs, non-use of field trip, non-use of the learning activities with different methods, lack of regular planning for kids at homes, lack of appropriate environment for group games in cold seasons, lack of the lesson plan (syllabus) for executive activities, lack of classifying students according to their abilities, lack of the evaluating students in different places, unawareness and lack of the parents cooperation in assisting the teachers concerning students development. Then for surmounting these problems, continuous planning, reviewing, and monitoring students' executive activities in preschool are mandatory.


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